Minimally Invasive. Maximally Effective.
Forward-looking in the field of
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Who we are?
Lysistech® offers cutting-edge solutions within minimally invasive surgery for clinical professionals. Thousands of patients around the world have benefited from our tested and modern treatments. To further complete our solutions, we offer comprehensive training und education programmes.
30 000+
Satisfied Patients400+
Satisfied Clients20+
Years of ExperienceWhy Lysistech?

Portfolio & Medical Fields

Whether spinal or arthroscopic interventions, with our RF-Plasma technology, we offer our clients integrated and innovative solutions in minimally invasive surgery. Our aim is to achieve maximal efficacy with minimal invasiveness to our patients.
Where you can find us
As a German medical device manufacturer we follow the strictest quality standards that go beyond the expected. This allowed us to be successfully active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where our medical products have passed the test of time over the years. The resulting know-how has enabled us to internationally expand and allow patients around the world to benefit from our technologies.
- CMEF 2023: Our Global Strategy - Lysistech on track in becoming a global player Lysistech made significant stepts at the CMEF 2023 event held in Shanghai as part of its ambitious expansion plans and global industrial alliance building. Over the course of four days, our experts engaged in intensive discussions with a multitude of international and regional players in the realm […]
- 18. IGOST TRAINING COURSE FOR SPINAL INTERVENTIONS 27-28.05.2020 – Essen, Germany - Visit the Lysistech-sponsored training course for spinal interventions in pain management, which is organised by our partner organisation IGOST - Interdisciplinary Association for Orthopaedic/Emergency Surgery and General Pain Therapy.
- Auflage 2019: Minimalinvasive Wirbelsäulenintervention – Jörg Jerosch (Hrsg.) - Umfassend und aktuell: zahlreiche etablierte und neue innovative Verfahren werden vorgestellt Standardisierter Aufbau: alle Kapitel folgen der gleichen Gliederung
- Die Lysistech unterstützt offiziell den Kampf gegen Kinderarmut mit WALK4HELP! - Der walk4help ist eine riesige Spendenaktion gegen Kinderarmut in der Region Braunschweig-Wolfsburg. Das Ziel ist, dass Tausende von Menschen aus unserer Region gemeinsam mindestens 40.000 Kilometer gehen – also einmal um die Welt! Das wäre ein WELTREKORD!
- 17. OP-Kurs Wirbelsäule am 06.-07. Juni 2019 – Essen - Besuchen Sie den LYSISTECH-gesponserten 17. OP-Kurs Wirbelsäule, organisiert von der Interdisziplinären Gesellschaft für orthopädische/unfallchirurgische und allgemeine Schmerztherapie e. V.